Welcome to Ren's Gardens at the Einherjar Farm!

Ren's Gardens at the Einherjar Farm is located in Olympia off Yelm Highway.
The Einherjar Farm was founded in 2020 by our dear friend Tony Robles and his faithful companion Ruby. Our collective dream is to create a peaceful place for transitioning veterans to come learn hands-on outdoor skills while adjusting to civilian life.
As a veteran himself, Tony knows firsthand how important it is to have a peaceful place to retreat to during that period of change. His hope with creating The Einherjar Farm is that he can share the therapeutic benefits of working outside in nature with others.
Our mission is based in the fundamental idea that every person deserves to be well physically, mentally, and spiritually.
This year on the farm, we are focusing on growing beautiful cut flowers and fresh heirloom vegetables both to feed and nourish ourselves and our community.
Why flowers? Well, believe it our not, but there have been numerous studies on the affect fresh flowers can have on us. Just having a vase of fresh flowers in the house can increase feelings of joy, calm, and compassion, and can increase our resilience to what life throws at us.
On our farm, we care deeply about the environment and our future as a species on this planet. When we make decisions about how we want to manage our farm and our crops, the impact we have with our actions is always considered.
We are teaching ourselves firsthand how to work with nature by using regenerative principles in our land stewardship. We remember our pollinators and don't use herbicides. We keep our soil ecology in mind by paying attention to what we put in the dirt- focusing more on increasing the structure and biodiversity of the soil with organic matter, mycorrhizae, and natural supplements, instead of harsh fertilizers and heavy annual tillage.

Ren's Gardens is the passion project of a one of The Einherjar Farm's partners- Korren Miller. (or Ren for short)
Ren grew up with a fascination for plants and a concern for the stability of the global industrial food system. Hailing from the vast expanses of southern Minnesota's corn and soybean fields, she grew up noticing that the way we grow food vs the way nature grows food aren't the same.
As a practical person, she understands that in order to feed a population of 8 billion+ humans, we need to grow A LOT of food. However, the impact our current farming methods have on our soil, our atmosphere, and our biosphere are frightening.
Ren dreams of helping communities around the world reclaim their food sovereignty by learning and practicing ways to grow and distribute food on a local scale in a way that is respectful to the earth and all of its inhabitants, no matter how small. Her goal is to make nutritious food accessible to all people, regardless of location and financial position.
Our Mission
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Opening soon: A Farmstand for you
Nourishing the body is at the heart of our mission. At The Einherjar Farm, we are passionate about providing you with high-quality vegetables, flowers, and herbs. We will be opening our farm stand soon, so be sure to sign up for our email updates list and follow us on social media to know when its time to come visit us and enjoy our harvests!
We like to grow a variety of foods including kitchen vegetables, a salsa garden, culinary herbs and teas, and edible flowers. We also grow flowers that you don't have to eat! Beautiful Bouquets to brighten your life and spread cheer to anyone lucky enough to receive a bouquet and cup of tea from you.
If there are certain vegetables, herbs and flowers that you would like us to offer, please do not be shy. Send us an email and tell us your favorite foods and how you like to cook them. We will take your requests into consideration when planning.
All of our vegetables are grown with love, and without any nasty unnecessary chemicals. We use companion planting methods to deter pests and encourage good flavors.
We are so excited to see you at our farm stand and hope you come visit us often for classes.
Loving the earth in the Sci-Fi era
We care about the planet, and we care about the next generations who will inherit the planet. We are lucky enough to be alive at an amazing time in history. The advancement of technology is leading us into a future where what once was a sci-fi dream is now a reality.
While it may seem like technology would be the enemy of sustainability in farming, that couldn't be farther from the truth.
We believe in and are excited about the developing applications of technology in agriculture. In order to make a lasting change to the way we manage cropland, we need to use and further develop all the tools we have available to us.
We are proud to take inspiration both from nature and the way she grows her crops without human involvement, as well as from the scientific advancements of our times in order to maximize our ability to feed a growing population not just for us now, but humans hundreds of years from now.
Creating a Healing Community Rooted in Compassion
We are more than cultivators of the land; we're stewards of well-being. Everyone who comes to our farm can feel that the atmosphere here is calm. Its a peaceful space where we learn, and share what we have learned with others.
Our goal is to be more than a place where food and flowers are grown. We aim to grow a community of reformers who care about living a better life, and helping others do the same. This farm's founders and partners have all experienced their struggles with mental health including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more. We come from a place of compassion, empathy and understanding. Going through life with invisible disabilities that others may not understand is a challenge, but it is not a challenge we have to face alone.
Please be sure to sign up for email updates so we can inform you as the EinHerJar starts to offer programs, classes and field days for the people in our community that need some fresh air, tranquility and dirty hands the most.
We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, immigration status, or background. Our farm is a space where all people—Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), LGBTQIA+, disabled individuals, and more—can feel safe, respected, and valued.